Sunday, September 30, 2012

Read ...what ???

The problem with people like me is .... we get bothered ..but not bothered enough ..

Reading to me is like breathing .... I can't do without it a bibliophage I have to read every single day .
But that dosen't mean I do quality reading like my avant garde friends.I just end up reading whatever I lay my hands on , and it more often than not turns out to be romance/satyr or mystery or macabre .

That's sad..maybe . My friends on smart bitches trashy books (a huge fanpage on facebook) would readily defend my honour, but in my heart I think I should sometimes make that extra effort to read stuff that actually makes sense ...but I think I am a hedonistic kind... I read what wont damage my brain cells by throwing long winded lines and difficult words my way ...and will please my senses by having making me feel  .
At times, surprisingly , this logic fails where I end up fascinated by dark ages langauge ( like some arthurian literature) or stuff by gifted authors like kinsale who make that extra effort to get their writing in sync with the times they are writing about , like middle ages ...but generally its the same trend ...simple writing , fun story and happily ever after.

So this is an appeal to those who read sensible literature ...keeping in mind the stuff I read, can you suggest something I won't end up gagged with ??