Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What we never/never want to realise

We so love cursing the situation we are in ,or cursing someone (even ourselves) for our predicament ,that we forget some harsh realities ...I do as well.But The Force Above makes us understand time and again how wrong we are ..So we are left with two choices....wallow in self-pity ,or understand our options and do something about our problems .

I was cursing the whole world for something today ....blaming everything and everyone i could...getting some kind of relaxation out of it ..listening to all sad songs and telling myself i was "the unhappy" etc ..
But i came back home and saw this mentally challenged girl trying to sit on a swing and my heart went out for her ...and my mind cursed me for being such a fool...for thinking of myself as unhappy when there are people who can't even figure out things inside their minds ,who become a liablity even though they don't even know what it this poor doll of a girl ...

Somehow today I have no finishing sentence...